Photo: Visit Sunnhordland


We send you newsletters about what is happening in the region. The content will give you knowledge about public and private business, green initiatives in our region, the job market and Sunnhordland life.

    You will be the first to receive information about events and programs. You will be able to contribute to how our region will be a good region for job careers. You get close to the business world, network and become visible to potential employers. You get the opportunity to come into contact with other young people.

This is for those of you who wish to become better acquainted with the business world and keep yourself updated about the job market in Sunnhordland. You don't know where you want to live and work right now, but you want to keep your options open.

Me will give you knowledge about our wonderful region through events, programs and communication. As a member, you will be able to stay up-to-date, connect with the job market and form networks with companies and other young people in our region.

    We are here for you who wish to build a green future in a forward-looking green region.

Register in Bu i Sunnhordland if you wish to work, live, live or get to know the green region of Sunnhordland better.

Sign up - for the young

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